At Green Lane we adhere to the requirements of the National Curriculum and are committed to maintaining the highest standards of teaching and learning, ensuring our pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education.
We regularly review our curriculum to ensure it continues to provide a rich and relevant experience.
Our coverage of all subjects, both core and complementary, is broad and thorough and delivered through a range of exciting topics.
Our pupils and parents help to shape the curriculum development by sharing their opinions through questionnaires and discussions.
If you would like to find out more about the Cornerstones Curriculum, please visit their website at, you can also view a sample of a Knowledge Organiser by clicking here.
At Green Lane Primary and Nursery School our engaging curriculum is driven by the ambitions we hold for our pupils' future success and is underpinned by our school values of working hard, staying positive and being polite. We hold the highest aspirations for all, ‘nurturing potential in everyone.’
We intend our curriculum to:
instil in our pupils and staff a thirst for knowledge and a perseverance for learning
equip our pupils with the skills and disposition to become successful, independent learners
deliver our pupils the knowledge to master concepts across the full range of national curriculum subjects
expand our pupils’ vocabulary, allowing access to more rich and complex curriculum content
develop our pupils’ longer term memory, helping them to retain what they have learnt
encourage our pupils’ creativity and originality
expand our pupils’ communication skills, both in the spoken and written form
connect our pupils’ experiences, knowledge and skills to help make sense of the past, present and future
establish in our pupils the determination to pursue their ambitions and flourish
empower our pupils to problem solve, triumphing over adversity
grow compassionate pupils, proud of their uniqueness, who can build positive relationships and make a tangible contribution to society
At Green Lane Primary and Nursery School subjects are taught with the support of evidence based programmes of study. Full coverage of the National Curriculum and clear progression of skills and knowledge can be seen across the school and in all subjects. Every year group will experience a number of topics and projects, with pupils being able to answer a broad range of questions within each subject area.
The development of spoken language and vocabulary is central to learning at Green Lane. Topics and projects see children progress through stages of learning. Pupils are engaged at the start of a new project or topic through research and setting enquiry questions, memorable first-hand experiences and going on visits or inviting a special visitor into school. Throughout their learning pupils will improve their knowledge and understanding of subjects and how they link.
At Green Lane we value the importance of pupils being able to apply skills, knowledge and understanding in real-life contexts. Pupils get inspired by imaginative and creative opportunities. They will be able to develop and practise their new skills and compose, make, do, build, investigate and explore. Pupils will also have lots of opportunities for writing for different purposes and reading across the curriculum.
By the end of a topic or project pupils become the performers, experts and informers. There are opportunities for pupils to share their achievements with parents, their peers and the wider community. Pupils evaluate their finished products, pieces of work and performances; making links to what they have learnt to where they started. At Green Lane achievements are celebrated.
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